Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Curriculum Evening

It was lovely to see parents of children of all ages at our Curriculum Evening yesterday. 33 parents came along and we hope that they all found it enjoyable and useful.   Mr Hallion had everyone counting in his demonstration lessons, and there were resources available to support children's learning at home. It was also a great opportunity for parents and teachers to get to know each other better.

We chose a Tuesday evening this time as that is the least beaver/cub/scout heavy night. We opened from 5-8 pm to allow after school club parents to pop in and commuters to get home from work.  Is there anything else we could do to encourage more parents to come along to these events?  Please let us know if you have any ideas at all.

1 comment:

  1. Parent comment via email: Thanks for putting on the curriculum evening last night. I found it very helpful, particular in learning how the children learn maths and calculation, both from Mr Hallion's excellent and enthusiastic presentation and from Mrs Norman and Mrs Parr for Year 2-3 more specifically. My child and I had a great conversation about some of the learning techniques at home and he enjoyed writing them out for me to share them. (See last photo above)
