Monday 31 October 2016

imaths week

Mr Hallion launched imaths week in assembly this morning.

Here is Monday's question - please send in your comments/answers.

Draw an 11x13 rectangle.
Can you figure out what is the fewest number of squares you can draw in the rectangle?

Tuesday's session:

Triangular Numbers - what is 55th in the staircase pattern? Mrs Haigh and some of the Year 4 children were grappling with nx(n+1) divided by 2 (with help from Mr Hallion).

We enjoyed Mrs Crickmore's assembly on 'slow and steady wins the day'. Great paper folding to solve shape problems in KS1. KS2 challenged by the hailstone problem!
We all love The Big Numbers Song!

More 2 D shapes today and making shapes out of isosceles triangles in KS1.

Extending the 5/6s today with 3D shapes.

Please ask your children about this inspirational week - many of them would like to carry on doing imaths every week. Thank you to Mr Hallion for organising it and to everyone for embracing it with such enthusiasm.


  1. I maths was really cool, unique and different to normal maths.

  2. Kirsten Mansfield5 November 2016 at 03:17

    I think I Maths was really fun and I would like to do a lot more challenges like this in maths lessons.
