Friday, 27 November 2015

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone for a wonderful evening.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Year 56 poetry in Foundation Stage

Today the Year 5 and 6's in Peacock class had a fantastic audience for their poetry recitals. They have been learning all about performance poetry this week and today we went to perform our poems to the children in Foundation stage.

They were a brilliant audience, sitting and listening to all our poetry.
Afterwards we stayed to help them with their learning and the older children were fantastic at this.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Foundation Class

This week the children have enjoyed learning about Divali. They have been making sweets and diva lamps.  They have also enjoyed dressing up and dancing to Indian music.

Peacock Class raises £122 for Diabetes

Today in Peacock Class we had a massive cake sale to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes which one of our class suffers from. People who have Type 1 Diabetes have this chronic disease because their immune system has attacked their Pancreas and stopped it from producing a hormone called INSULIN. When you have diabetes the body doesn't make insulin, so glucose (needed to give your body energy) can't get into the blood cells. Instead it collects in the blood and isn't turned into energy. Diabetes sufferers need to have daily injections of insulin to control their blood sugar levels - this can be around 70 finger pricks and injections in a good week - often many more!   

There is no cure yet for type 1 diabetes and over 350,000 are affected by this in the UK (approx 26,000 are children!)  Every year World Diabetes Day is on the 14th November as it marks the birthday of Canadian doctor Frederick Banting, who discovered that the hormone Insulin was the key to treating people with Diabetes.

More facts:

5 – 10 % People who have Diabetes have TYPE 1
They cannot produce their own Insulin.
IT CAN NOT BE Prevented.
Most people develop Type 1 in Childhood

90 -95% People who have Diabetes have TYPE 2
They are Insulin Resistant.
It CAN BE Prevented.
Most people develop Type 2 in Adulthood

Changes to your life style can greatly reduce your chances of developing this disease.

            We decided to donate all of the proceeds of our class cake sale to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) and we managed to raise £122!

We had great fun decorating cakes

Faith Week - Giving

3/4 PA have created this lovely collage in Faith Week.

London Welsh

On Monday the 3/4 classes took part in their first London Welsh Tackling Numbers session. During the sessions children learn the skills to play tag rugby but also investigate some mathematical problems based around rugby. This week it was all about mental calculation skills where we were challenged to calculate how many points each team had scored. This also helps to underpin their times table knowledge!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Year 4 maths challenge in Oxford

4 Year 4 mathematicians enjoyed their challenges yesterday and also their scrumptious tea. Even the biscuits were mathematical!

Remembrance Day - by Libby

Today at 11 o'clock out in the playground, we remembered all the soldiers that have fought for us in the war, in the past and present that have fought and are fighting for peace in the world. Molly and George played the last post while we were silent. Even foundation stage were silent. I am glad that people are fighting for us but I am sorry for the ones that have sadly died. This is a way of saying thank you to the soldiers.

By Libby Holtom.  

Friday, 6 November 2015

Thank you to Grundon Waste Management for the tarmac in KS1

The answer is only the beginning!

Key Stage 2 children have been enjoying a week of Maths activities designed to encourage Maths learning and to grow their brains. This has involved taking risks, getting things wrong, finding out why, making predictions and testing them and realising that the answer is only the beginning.

Memorable moments have included Yr 3/4  investigating how to make all the numbers from 1 to 20 using four 4s with the 4 operations, square roots and factorials (referred to as Bang!), and
Yr 5/6 investigating addition of consecutive numbers to the nth term for 3 hours and and still wanting more.

The most important point though is that there has been enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn from mistakes.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Tuesday, 3 November 2015


Today Ignite Sports came into school to run some short taster sessions in cheer leading.

Children in KS2 enjoyed participating in the sessions and learnt how to spell out Cholsey in different body shapes. Then they got the pom poms out and had fun!

"It was cheer leading-tastic!" said Imy and Annabel from year 4.

Here is a picture to demonstrate:

The after school cheer leading club starts on Tuesday 10th - please contact the office if you are interested.