Monday 24 January 2022

Water Safety Assembly

We were really grateful to Russell Robson from the Environment Agency, who visited us in assembly this morning to talk about water safety on the river. The children asked some excellent questions and the important messages to take away are: Always go to the river with a responsible adult, stay away from the edge and if you do want to paddle or swim, make sure an adult checks the area first. 

Wednesday 19 January 2022


 In literacy, Yr 5/6 have been learning all about the Ancient Mayan game of Pok-a-Tok. The  children will adapt the rules and write an explanation of their own version of the game. This will then be added to their Junior Active Leaders pack and introduced to the younger children at lunchtime. It’s safe to say it was much harder than it looked! 

Junior Active Leaders

 It has been great to see our JALs continuing their fantastic work at lunchtimes. Their playground games have been very popular with the younger children and this is helping to keep us all active (and warm!) during the cold weather. 

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Arctic Wolves - Science labelling

 This is an unusual way to label the parts of the Respiratory System!

Amelia Earhart Timeline - Kingfishers

Year 2 are currently finding out all about the adventures of Amelia Earhart who was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.. To help them understand the historical context, they worked very hard together to assemble a timeline of key events in her life.

Here are some pictures of Kingfisher class doing the activity.

Friday 14 January 2022

School Councillors Get Busy

 Our school councillors have been busy this week looking at plans for new playtime equipment for the field. Mrs Nathanielsz has been meeting with companies to see what might be possible for the new equipment that the PTA are fundraising for. The councillors have chosen the parts they feel the children will enjoy using the most. 

Wednesday 12 January 2022

UKS2 Heart Dissection

 UKS2 have been learning about blood and the circulatory system in Science. To help them understand how the heart is structured and how it works, the children took part in a pig heart dissection! 

We were very impressed with how well the children engaged with the activity. 

Friday 7 January 2022

Year 34 Viking archaeologists

 'This week the children in year 3 and 4 have been archaeologists! They have been using artefacts to ask questions and make discoveries about the past. The children have enjoyed dissecting 'poo' to discover a person's diet and writing messages in Runes. They enjoyed exploring artefacts and deciding what they tell us about the past.' 

Wednesday 5 January 2022

How to Speak Dog

Emmet, the school dog joined our assemblies today to help us with how to 'speak dog'. We learnt about how to greet a dog safely when out and about and what a dog's body language tells us about how they are feeling. Emmet gave some great demonstrations!

He also helped to kickstart our new whole school topic 'What an Adventure'. He showed some photos of an adventure he had in the summer holidays but there was one picture missing. We are looking forward to finding out what the children think happened on his adventure.