We awoke to a very windy day here in Kilvrough...thankfully dry though. After our bacon butties we headed off for our final full activity day.
Groups A&B set off towards the caves; however, on arrival the river that runs through the cave was far too high to allow us to enter. Fortunately we had expected this and had a backup plan - and what a back up plan it was! We drove a short distance and set off on a wonderful wood walk to visit a series of local waterfalls - the last one of which we were able to walk right behind! This was truly amazing and well worth the soaking.
Groups C&D went off to enjoy their rock climbing experience which for many was a big challenge at first. However as per usual the team spirit kicked in and through encouragement and determination all children made the climb.
The food this week has been superb and we've just had another lovely dinner (fish or burger and chips followed by Eton Mess) and now we are about to attempt to pack up before we visit the shop.
Tomorrow we are heading over to the beach for some rock pooling and beach art before we say goodbye to our fantastic instructors: Sam, Jamie, Alex and Piers.
Hope you've enjoyed our Blog this week - Your children have been fantastic and we've enjoyed spending time with them all. See you tomorrow!
Mrs Lee, Mrs Norman, Mr Hallion, Mrs Allbon and Mrs Poole
Thank you for the fabulous turn out to our phonics tea party. The children enjoyed having a phonics lesson with their parents and then sharing some of the activities we do in class to continue our phonics learning.
Day 3:
After delicious croissants for breakfast, we split into our two activity groups and headed off.
Groups A&B drove to the canal where we enjoyed a day of canoeing. It wasn't long (less than 5 minutes!!) before child no 1 fell in (mentioning no names Amelia) but soon we were all safely on board our canoes and in pairs. We managed to work out which way to point the paddle
After a short practice we headed off down the canal, navigating various low hanging branches and soon all got the hang of it. The more daring of us even attempted a SMALL waterfall. Communication skills were definitely improved throughout the day (otherwise we literally went round in circles)
Mrs Lee
Groups C&D drove to the beach and learnt how to equip themselves for rock climbing. We scrambled over rocks to find a suitable climbing point then set up 3 ropes and worked in small teams to climb around 50 feet! We ate our lunch overlooking the rising tide (mesmerising). A hungry raven even ate one child's sandwiches whilst he was busy rock scrambling! They completed the day by being soaked by large waves crashing onto nearby rocks and all needed a good hosing down once back.
Mrs Norman
Parents - you will be pleased to hear that they are all becoming a lot more responsible for their belongings...some have even dried their towels today!
It's pasta night tonight
Blossom Bats have been looking at different types of rock. We used magnifying glasses to closely observe the rocks and then we classified them. Have a look!