Thursday, 14 February 2019

LKS2 Ancient Egyptian Day

The children had a fantastic day in the life of an Egyptian. Thank you to all the adult helpers and to the parents for providing such a amazing costumes.

costumes for the children to wear. 

Happy New Year

Penguin Class celebrated Chinese New Year by creating a fantastic Chinese dragon and parading it around the school for other children to enjoy.

Friday, 8 February 2019

OPEN Ballroom and Latin Dance Workshops

On Tuesday, some of the Year 5/6 children from the other OPEN schools came to join in with our Ballroom and Latin workshop. This was a great opportunity for the children involved to learn a new skill and to also work with other children from OPEN schools. 

Thank you to Krystof and Natalia (our specialist dance teachers) for running the workshop. The feedback we have had from the other OPEN schools has been fantastic and this will be a permanent fixture on the OPEN PE calendar. 

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Thank You PTA

Year 3&4 had a great afternoon getting to know the new Chromebooks the PTA have been busy fundraising for. The children all have their own logins for our school domain and the new equipment will allow us to access lots of programmes that have we've not been able to up to now. There was a lot of excitement, especially about how fast they are!

A massive thank you to everyone who has been involved in raising the funds.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Caring for animals and our environment

A big thank you to Charlotte in Year 5, who gave a presentation in assembly today on ways to care better for our environment and the animals who use it as their habitat.
She prepared a very informative talk on a very important topic.