Monday, 22 July 2019

Sandfield House Party

Well done to Sandfield House who won the House Cup this year. As a treat, all the children in Sandfield had a house party this afternoon. It was lovely to see the children in different year groups playing together to celebrate their win.

Staff V Year 6 Rounders

Before the Year 6 children leave the staff challenged them to a rounders match! It was an exciting and competitive morning with lots of fun had by all. The score was close but the winners were... The Staff!

Ice Creams

As an end of year treat, everyone had an ice cream or ice lolly at break today! A big 'Thank You!' to Mrs Nathanielsz and Mrs Bryers for organising this lovely treat.

Monday, 15 July 2019

Netball World Cup

Bethany had a fantastic weekend visiting Liverpool to watch England play Scotland in the Netball World Cup! Not only was the game an exciting one, but she got to meet players from the Australian Diamonds team and the Zimbabwean team. What an amazing experience!

Friday, 12 July 2019

KS1 HAL Week

KS1 have had a fantastic HAL week keeping fit and active!
We have enjoyed a range of activities from zumba and street dance to archery and rugby.


HAL Week Day 5 - Martial Arts, Archery and Smoothies

Our final day of HAL week brought us more Martial Arts, Archery workshops for FS and KS1 and Smoothie making for Year 3/4.

The Martial Arts workshop has proven popular this week with key messages about keeping yourself safe if you are out and about alone. The children discussed what to do if a stranger approached them and how they could use specific Martial Arts moves to keep themselves safe if they did find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. 

The younger children had fun learning how to do Archery. It is a tricky skill but was very fun to learn! More from this later on the blog!

The children in Year 3/4 did some healthy food tasking and tried new fruit and vegetables. They also got to make their own healthy smoothies to have for snack time. A big 'Thank You!' goes to Mrs Nathanielsz for running this. 

Overall, it has been a busy but exciting HAL week. The children have had many opportunities to engage in different types of physical activity and sport. We hope that our workshops will inspire the children to try new activities, take up a new sport and lead healthy, safe and active lifestyles.