Monday, 29 June 2015

Science for Dads at Manor School - an OPEN event

'On Saturday morning Manor hosted the third annual Dads and Children Saturday Science morning. This year we expanded and invited dads and their children from the other OPEN schools of Willowcroft, St. John's, Ladygrove and Cholsey to join in the fun!
The Junior hall was packed with over 30 dads and 40 children having great fun with Science. After making magic goo, circular paper aeroplanes, exploding rockets, confusing their brains with optical illusions and scaring everyone with their monster shadow puppets the morning ended with a family challenge -  could they make a balloon powered car that would get across the hall?!
The morning was completely free and energy for dads and children was provided in the form of coffee, juice and bacon rolls!' Manor School Blog

Follow the link to Manor School's Blog to see the photos:

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Great day for the fete

Thank you to everyone for a fantastic day. Lots of people worked very hard and the clearing up was the quickest ever; many hands make light work.

If you have a good photo, do email it in and I can put it on the blog! One of Emperor Clive would be particularly good. Well done, Clive - I don't think that real Emperors worked so hard!
Parents, children and governors sharing their experiences of Cholsey School and how the thrive wheel (spider's web) fits in. 

Friday, 26 June 2015

Sandfield's visit today

Another great day - and the weather held for the picnic lunch too.

Governor Andy says:
Another great experience being out with the children today. I was particularly impressed with Shia and Megan in year 2 reading things like Manganese Limestone, Cretaceous and Oolite! Clearly phonics, even with made up words, is working. Also some great questions - one of which the guide didn't know the answer to. Great empathy from Robert when I asked how the Haida people might feel when they saw a totem pole - "normal" was his answer. And I presume you'll hand over the running of the school to Emma when Ofsted come!

Player of the Tournament

On Thursday we had our first school competition of the year, house rounders. Samuel was identified by several members of staff for demonstrating excellent skills and most importantly sportsmanship. Samuel respected decisions made by the umpires and supported his fellow team members. What an excellent role model; well done Samuel!

It's Your Move!

Year 6s went to Wallingford on the service bus yesterday to spend a morning with children from other local schools at the Baptist Church.  They worked together on a variety of activities as preparation for the move to secondary school.  We are grateful to the volunteers there who provided such a fun and helpful session.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Athletics and Orienteering

The Year 1 and 2 children have really enjoyed their athletics club this term. This week we were trying orienteering and the children had to use a map and a key to create lots of 'funny faces' out of cones and spots... it was much harder than it looked but they had lots of fun working their faces out. 
Great team work!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Armed Forces Activity Day

The Year 5 children spent a day exploring the work of the British Army in an action-packed Activity Day led by Mr Barlow and Miss Atkins. This involved classroom activities exploring the varied roles within the army and the values the Army promotes using discussion and drama. 

The children wrote their own bugle calls and took great delight in challenging Mr Barlow and Miss Atkins with the difficulty and complexity of their compositions. The winning call is to be played 'when a bus crashes into Big Ben'. Let us hope it is never needed!

In the afternoon, we used the nature reserve to practise our hide and seek skills and to build an Army-style shelter. Our attempts at drill proved that Year 5 still need to practise their left and right!

It was a great day and the children responded with enormous enthusiasm. A huge thank you to Mr Barlow for suggesting, planning and delivering this magnificent experience.

Year 6 bandage each other up at IMPS!

Report from Sophie and Hannah in Year 6:

We have been to IMPS (in Henley on Thames) at the hospital.We practised DRSABC- danger,response,shout,airway,breathing,CPR.We tried it on a dummy called 'Mrs Green' after the teachers, Lisa and Ruth, showed us.
Then we watched Lisa do the recovery position on Ruth.Next we paired up to test it on each other.
After that we watched a video on what we should do on a real accident.
Then we had a nice break.
We split up into groups to get a cast round our fingers. Meanwhile the rest of us were looking at some real x-rays.
Soon after Amelia got her heart beat tested.

Family Tea Party

A good afternoon  - good music, good food, good company and a good cause

Blewbury Band with their conductor, Ian Barlow, in charge

Picnic on the rug

Miss Addison's obstacle race

Enjoying the music
Brave Mrs Mellers!

Andrew's highly popular popcorn stall

     Choir and 2 conductors!

Look who's arrived!!

Oscelot class were so excited today to see that two fluffy chicks had hatched from the incubator that has been in class for a few weeks. The chicks hatched overnight and already there are more hatching.
Miss Addison, also known as mother hen, was expecting this to happen as their 21 day incubation period had ended. Soon the chicks will be moved to their new home in the classroom and will no doubt receive lots of visitors!

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Pudmore Visit

The Pudmore team, and their honorary members from Buckland and Iddmead, came back buzzing from their visit today. Parents and staff spoke particularly highly of their behaviour - both manners and learning behaviour.  Well done, team!

Sunday, 21 June 2015

First house visit to the Oxford museums

Iddmead had a great day out on Friday and a bonus at the natural history museum was getting to handle live insects! The children were great and so interested in everything we saw. Thank you to all the helpers who came along to  get us there and back safely and to support the learning.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Singing Stars!

We are so proud of our year 5's who have been regularly visiting the Day Centre next door to visit the older residents. Today they gave an impromptu performance of some of the WW2 songs they had learnt last term.

Mrs Allum, who has been taking them said, "It has been lovely to see them interact with the older members of the village. They chat and play games and today was just lovely! They were asked if they could sing and they were all happy to do so. It was a heart-warming experience!"

Here is what the group said:
Frankie : It felt really nice because everyone was singing along and having a good time.
Ky: I really liked it when the elderly people were singing along.
Logan: I was really happy because it made my day!
David: The game made my day.
Rebecca: It was a pleasure to sing and lovely to see them join in.
Bella: I really enjoyed it and I hope the members did too.
Phoebe: We sang Good Byeee, Keep the Home Fires Burning and We'll Meet Again.

What a fabulous lot they are!

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Foundation Children love their Forest School

The Foundation stage children love visiting our nature area for Forest School. This week they have been making willow crowns, fish, fairies, and bows and arrows !

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Cholsey welcomes OPEN Digital Leaders

Today the digital leaders at Cholsey welcomed their fellow digital leaders from all the other OPEN schools (Manor, Ladygrove, St John's and Willowcroft) for a speed learning event!

The children had a great time sharing their computing skills and finding out about what computer programmes they enjoy using. Everyone went away with new ideas about things to try in their schools.

For more information about Digital Leaders at Cholsey - have a look at the Pupils page on our school website.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Sponsored Walk

Every two years we have a sponsored walk.  All the children in the school take part, along with many parents and members of staff.  Money raised goes to the PTA and is spent on enhancing the children's experiences in school.

We are grateful to Cholsey 1000+ who supply drinks and treats along the way to keep us all going!
Foundation children peel off on their shorter route

Key Stage 2 children on the longer route

A well-deserved ice pop at the end

It's a close race!

In term 4 we launched a new House System at school. Everyone was put into one of 4 houses: Sandfield, Buckland, Iddmead or Pudmore. The house names came from the names of ancient fields around Cholsey.

Children are awarded House Points in school for good work and behaviour. These points are counted up each week and the house winners are announced in assembly.

So far every house has won at least once. In term 4 Buckland House won the most points overall and all the house members got some extra play as a treat. Last term it was Sandfield who got the most points and they will be having their extra play this week.

Only Mrs Lee knows who is winning overall this year. It might not be one of the termly winners! The house that gets the most points overall will have a house party at the end of this term.

There will be lots of points up for grabs this term as we compete as houses in our sports day. We will also be visiting Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford in our houses later this term.

Sandfield House - Yellow

Buckland House - Blue

Iddmead House - Green

Pudmore House - Orange